Lion's Claw is a thriller staring the postman who looks like Stuart Maconie (Posty Maconie) and the car mechanic mechanic who looks like a dwarf version of George Clooney (Dwarf Cloonie). Clooney plays an ultra-cool assassin who think a long way ahead and Maconie's the gritty northern cop who's trailing him and likes psychadelic music. Johnny-5 makes a cameo appearance too.
This, my latest movie, was inspired by a new place I found today up on the moors. Today was annual pilgramage day for me and dd (or r or whatever it is he's called today). when we returned to the satan's own mushroom fields where the very mushrooms special proliferate at this very specific time of year. These days the whole event is much more about seeing them there and enjoying the lovely views in the clear skies free of summer's heat-haze. I'd like to go up there when it snows as it'd look amazing but there's good reasons not too. The actual act of taking a proper dose of trippy mushrooms is something I've not done for years as you really need to put a couple of days aside to let yourself recover. I tend to be very open to suggestion after I've come down off heavy hallucinogenic drugs and all sorts of funny ideas and obsessions can get planted there. Who needs that? Still. I do miss it. That brief connection with the universe and all the laughing and wowing, then that strange roller-coaster comedown when you peice every thing back together again and then the actual moment of trip-down when you're just cold, tired and alone and all the magic's dissipated off. Actually it's extra nice having someone to hold at that point. Not been too often for me I'm afraid.
However the omniportance (new word!) of those experiences to both dd and I is such that we really relish the chance to go up there and be with the little ones again and every time, we explore the hills a little further and today we found this mysterious circular structure about the size of a one story building with no windows or doors and steaming slightly. The steam was actually caused on closer inspection by the sun shining on the puddles laying on its flat metal roof. The structure we deduced was the top of an air vent above a tunnel or mine and sure enough, back at the bottom of the valley near where vannie was parked, there's the entrance to several train tunnels . The entrance was marked BR 1956, though I'm not sure if that was just the date that entrance was made. At least one or 2 more of the tunnels would be much older I'm guessing but I'll have to find out where the line went from and to. The tunnel is now used to run high-voltage electricity cables.