Reality: The ordered living universe- a tiny fleck of algae-like scum floating on the surface of an infinite sea of chaos. But there's something dangerous swimming around down there and it's going to eat you. It is the truth. That there is no truth. Er....Apart from this.
Yep..Yep...Just like Buses. Anywaz I think the cover of the 1941 Crackers Annual pretty much spells out the RAC's attitude to foxhunting although as I recall the whole thing was also a clever metaphor for unifying workers and soldiers against the still-relevant English aristocracy who we still considered potential Nazi collaborators. Seems a bit harsh in retrospect. Most of them are perfectly nice and at least as many were eccentric Leninists as were eccentric Hitlerists.
No-one who's ever experienced the feeling of being hunted would ever want to put another living thing through it. I should know, having been hunted by landlords, baliffs, the police, dogs, police-dogs, bears, space-pirates, space-pirate bears and gods. Admittedly being hunted by all them was nothing compared to being haunted by guilt and shame but Mr Thocks may feel differently. Not that I'm saying there should be no death on this planet. Oh no. You humans are great for spilling blood and a lot of it's going to have to flow before things get better. Oh yes! But that's all for another day.
Some music for you now as usual. Firstly will some please to me who this is! It has such lovely mandolin work. At least I think it's a mandolin. Please correct me! Secondly there's this gem from 1968:
Can you see what I did there! Pffff! I'm wasting my time! Still, what a voice eh? Better than Gabriel? I'll let you be the judge but listen to the next track on the album Mellowing Grey before you decide.
Fraternal greetings, fellow mind-states! It has come to our attention that there is another popular use for the word 'Crackers' that might cause understandable confusion as to what the Revolutionary Army of Crackers is actually about. Apparently 'crackers' are like 'hackers' but specialise in 'cracking' software code or something. I must emphasize that we are not the revolutionary army of them, although like anyone, they're welcome to join and employ their particular skills in the service of the Great Crackers, the little pink character up there who looks a bit worried. He's probably just read this. Or she has. We don't actually know or care. Oh Crackers! You'll be the wind that blows the ashes away!
Did you know it's been more than a year since Heidi the Cross-Eyed Possum left us? Everyone seems to go in autumn. Fallen leaves eh? Nothing sadder. Yet we march on, heads held high, who knows where and fuck knows why, enduring the unendurable till we too are released from the pain and confusion by kindly German vets. It's what life does, making some glorious edifice or other. Bit of good news though,remember Gef the Talking Mongoose? Well I'll raise you a talking Beluga Whale:
He's called Noc (they like these single-syllable names it seems) and although it sounds like he's just taking the piss and going "Derpy derpy derp! I'm an idiot talking human" he's actually talking a hybrid of Beluga and English and saying: "How about this for an internet fad, guys! Grab a kazoo or 2 and go around talking like a Beluga. Like me, Noc the talking Whale. It's a way better fad than Gundam Wing or whatever the fuck it is- you know, that shithouse Korean dancing thing, whatever it is. I'm a bit out of touch here in the water. Waterproof laptops, people? What's the hold up? Still, at least that dancing clown's not Japanese. I really hate those motherfuckers- for obvious reasons! But everyone else grab a Kazoo or just talk through your bizarre human teeth and do a Beluga! "
Yeh, you know that thing where people wearing sandals told you that whale noises contain vast amounts of information? That was true, hence Noc's rather long and politically incorrect rant there. Anyway, you heard the fish! Talk like a Cetacean. It's like the song by the Bangles.
Sadly Noc has already gone the way of Heidi the Cross-Eyed Possum and sleeps in the all-is-one with everything else that's ever been. In fact he only did it for a while while he was young. Good meme, though.Spread it!
Slightly dissappointed with this stupid post after such a long wait? Well at least I didn't call for President Assad to use chemical weapons against his own people like I did in the last one. Luckily very few people read this. Mostly just other versions of myself occupying different bits of time. Hellooo! Computers still working then? I'd imagine you'd like some music. Well keeping with the oceanic theme here's Melt Banana , who are some of those people that Noc so dislikes with 'If it is the deep sea, I can see you there'. Good title. You'll pardon me if I don't embed it but I've already done one and I'm sure Melt Banana won't mind. They seem nice.