Friday, January 25, 2013

Never too late

Time to resume contact with the rest of the world. Your  world, little friends. I've chosen to communicate to you again just so you know that while I do have an appointment with DIGNITAS, I'm constantly annoying their staff by putting it off week after week. The hilarious thing is that they have to maintain the facade of humanitarianism instead of telling me to fuck off and get a life or more preferably decisively terminate the possibility  of ever having one. Ha ha! Go stick it in some holey cheese you white-chocolate cuckoo-clock-loving murderers!

It's snowing! It's like a beautiful alpine scene here especially if you sort of squint when you look at the bonsai. There's a link here to a nice audio short-story called 'Snow' that's read by the man with the best speaking voice on Earth since Richard Burton passed on. It's on a SF site but I'm not altogether sure what it is. A ghost story? Religious? I think the fact I don't totally get it is something to do with why I like it so much. Maybe I'm just a misery chick like Daria. Yeh. That'll be it. Same glasses anyway.

Well as you've probably figured out by now, I've been away so long because I've got very little of interest to say. Certainly nothing to say with any level of coherence. Wasn't that always the case? Meh! Who cares? I couldn't leave old Crackers to wither and die all alone in this big cold internet. I've at least got to provide some confusing disappointment for all those hundreds of people who search for PLASTIC PALACE PEOPLE BLOGSPOT and end up here instead of whatever it was they were actually looking for. It'd better be Scott Walker related you glombies! He's got a new album with a title so horrible I'm not even go to repeat it. Good to see him and Bowie still working so late in the game. Never too late! XTC may beg to differ. That's today's music link. Those adverts are fucking annoying arn't they? Anyhoo I've linked to one of their songs before, from the same album no less. I'm getting old and repetitive. Which reminds me I must tell you about this amazing talking Mongoose or something. Yawn! This, btw is fun. Keep yours ears open for Nahustan who is a character of potentially great significance to followers of the Koosist religion like me and er...just me.

Seeing as I'm obviously done here and am already thinking about my next hit I'll post some of the earlier aborted attempts to get this post written so they don't turn out to be a 100% monumental waste of fucking time.

1- Free Pussy Riot!

That’s right. Now no-one’s saying that what these ladies did was advisable or even commendable but if Britain in the late 70s can put up with Crass and the Poison Girls then the Russians can bloody well put up with this. The eccentric beards (there’s always eccentric beards) who run the Russian orthodox church should think themselves lucky that my lot (communists) didn’t completely wipe them and their buildings completely off the face of the earth as we started off trying to do.  Return the favour beard-boyz and forgive my femmopunk chums. What would Jesus do?  I’m not best placed to say I’ll admit, but I’m guessing it wouldn’t involve whining to the Russian judiciary and getting them to impose harsher sentences. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone! A risky tactic there from big J I always thought. There’s usually some deluded twat who thinks they’re entirely blameless in any situation.
So yeh. C’mon ZZ Top. Be nice to the ladies.
2- WOOT! Yes we still say woot here. WOOT!
Today’s woot is a woot of celebration as this is actually the hundredth post of the RAC blog in its current post-2009 form. Well it’s actually 101 as one post was completely deleted but at the same time there is one unpublished one that is intended to see the light of day should I ever finish it. Actually it had occurred to me to delete of the first 2 year’s posts as they’re really not all that entertaining, mainly consisting of me whining about how broke I am or some bit of fluff. Too anchored to the real world and not overly pleasant to read back is what it is. Anywayway  I probably will leave the early posts alone as deleting them would make a nonsense of these spectacular centennial  celebrations, which chiefly consist of me typing woot in capitals. WOOT! 

 This is as good as it gets Koos-fans. Now walk-away!
 3- There is a man handcuffed to a Rhinoceros. It is out of control and  causing possibly fatal damage to the man as it drags him along. The man has a key to the handcuffs and could release himself at any time but he does not. Why? The Rhinoceros is charging across a narrow bridge of a ravine. Release of the handcuff means certain death. Why was he handcuffed to a Rhino in the first place? To stop it charging or at least slow it down.  Pretty weak reasoning but what alternative did he have? That Rhino was going to charge.
4- The traditional conception of politics as a one-dimensional line between Left and Right is retarding our ability to model policy responses to the challenges of post-industrial civilisation and has led to a fallacious division, particularly in the English-speaking world that has even influenced the language with which political issues are approached.

 Wowser! You can see why that one was abandoned! If anyone can work out what I'm going on about in number 3 they win a lifetime's supply of Terry Nutkin's specialist nut-free Food for nut-allergic Squirrels. I tell you, that man had a heart of gold. Much missed. There is more of this. Is this the right font?



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