Hello? Hello? Is there anyone there? This is the voice of Koos calling planet Earth again to ramble on about some old crap or other. David Icke was right about there being extra-terrestrial (pan-dimensional if you must know) lizards in human form conspiring to rule your planet but what he's not telling you is that their conspiracy has fallen somewhat short of expectations and is behind a long line of better-organised conspiracies trying to mess things up for you poor innocent defenceless people. For example there's the now immortal 3rd century God-King on whom Kahn (Kahn!) was ultimately based , not Imran Khan like you thought. Er...there's also the also extra-terrrestrial black-rock entity, not quite as benevolent as the film 2001 would have you believe and given how 2001 actually turned out, who are you going to trust? Anyhoo, that thing, the black thing has been a malign influence on your development since, like, forever. That bit was right. The bit with the unconvincing hominids and the bone. That's just the sot of thing he likes. Anyway evidence presented in this blog proves he's behind the banks and we all know that they're the enemy, right? I was going to call this post BEDTIME FOR DEMOCRACY cos of those ficking fuggers but I figured I'd already nodded to Jello Biafra and the Dead Kennedys enough for now so I named it after a much nicer song. Can you guess how it links to the photo or how I could have squeezed MARY BEARD into this paragraph? Answers later.
My favourite quote is from Emperor Hirohito as he told his nation that the game was up at the end of World War II:
"We must endure the unendurable."
Now it's been my policy on this thing for a while to avoid any mention of what's really going on in my actual personal, human life. It's generally not relevent and happening at a different level from all this rather like the BIOS thing in this computer that has to be there but is down there somewhere doing something very basic. It wasn't a good analogy really because I don't really know what I'm talking about but then all analogies are a bit overated, despite the faith that strident people have in them.Yeh...anyway I'm experiencing...well something unpleasant at the base level right now so please forgive me if there's even more darkness and cynicism in this blog at the moment but actually it seems strangely appropriate given that there's a lot of it about. These things are sort-of connected.
We don't need a worldwide conspiracy to create suffering. We generate ourselves in everything we do at every level. It's like a side-effect of biological processes like generating heat. EXAMPLE! Money. It's a great idea that really helps us build our complex societal structures and then does its level best to undermine them mostly because of the interaction between the present and the future it involves. It seems to run out of control and change everything as it goes. Incidently, on the subject of analogies, there's still a widespread belief in the idea of trickle-down economics whereby money flows downwards from the rich to the poor and that's why you have to cut taxes and reduce the burden of social security etc. As good, if not better an analogy that also treats money as liquid in nature is in Kurt Vonnegut's God Bless You, Mr Rosewater where money is described as trickling down to the rich who sit slurping greedily on the banks of the money river and are taught how to slurp more efficiently and employ others to slurp even more for them. The rest of us are high and dry thirstily watching it flowing away from us down toward the far rich water-meadows of our social superiors.
Hey this is going really badly tonight. It's more formless than ever and I really should give up but I wanted to get this out. The crazy world situation reminds me of how I was convinced when I was actually studying geo-politics that there was going to be another world war between 2015 and 2020. I'm not sure I still agree with that conclusion as there was a lot of things I really had no idea were going to happen but the general thing was that the west would have to employ its last trump card, ie high-level coercion, to stop the east from getting control of the board and of course by that point the accelerating environmental crisis would make it obvious that something dramatic would have to happen, that something would have to direct the course of humanity one way or other.
The financial crisis that caused the depression that caused the last world war began in 1929. While things have gone differently this time, theres still more snake than ladder. If we were running to the same time-table then we're in about 1932 now. What does 1933-1939 make you think of? What happened then? What will happen in 2018?
The reason I'm convinced I'm wrong, that the abandonment of democratically accountable governance ( Europe lets it go as the rest of the world demands it) isn't going to lead to the end of our civilisation, based on the fact that this is our last go at civilisation. We can't let it slide and have it get even better again. We've used everything up that you can make an industrial revolution out of. If we go agrarian we stay agrarian. Besides as Dan Carlin pointed out on his poorly named 'Common Sense' podcast, we may just be on the brink of a whole new way of thinking that'll quickly make this seem like the dinosaur ages like how the Age of Revolution moved political thought to from the world of Divine right to that of Constitutional government. My money's on the AGE OF CRACKERS where hierachys and nations dissolve before our eyes and consciousness expands to encompass the human world and beyond. Only my money's useless and so is yours.
Erm ok. That was good. Some or all this of all of this might go later as I am a little tired and emotional, Not a euphanism for pissed but actually dirt tired and emotionally....er...whatever. Nevertheless it was fun. Fank Yoo!
Answers! Richard Wattis appears in wonderful film The Abominable Snowman with Peter Cushing. I can't recommend it highly enough and it's also got something valuable to add on the whole science v religion thing.
Mary Beard, a Classics Professor from Cambridge University did a 10 minute 'Point of View' last week that mentioned Elagabalus the Roman Emperor from the line of Septimus Severus named after El Gabul the Syrian God who was, of course, a black meteorite. Not a monolith as such but he may have had a Gok-Wan style makeover at some point to become the obsidian rectangle of despair we all fear today.
You'll want a link. . Screw this post-democratic pan-human consciousness shite, this is what the internet's really all about. My record is about 10500 secs. See how you do:
Check out the retro piano skin!
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