Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Happy Nirvana Day!

" What should young people do with their lives today? Many things obviously.
But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of lonelyness can be cured "


It turned up on http://escapepod.org/ . They (Mur Lafferty, Steve Eley or Norm Sherman) always ask you to blog about it or donate. Well I'll be able to be donater one of these days so this'll have to do. The stories are always worth listening to mostly nice, not always. The genre of the SF short story is in very good shape and I could fill blogspot with names of current writers I like. Having things read to you for free is the best thing on the internet. Social networking has killed the letter and internet porn is fueling an arms race of sexual deviancy. You know what I'm talking about.

Anyway let's get communities together with an immediate street party (now!) to celebrate the demise of The Streets. Apparently Mike Skinner says it's all over apart from some shite with those Grauniad twats. Hip Hip Hooray! That talentless peice of crap just annoyed the crap of me ever since he turned up. It must have been around the time that awful thing happened in New York and those wars started. Oh God what a waste. All that suffering. Mike Skinner really is a cunt. Whatever happened to Kosheen who turned up around the same time? I really liked them or her or whoever it was and yet they were all over in a blink of an eye while Skinnewr just chanted on like a derranged lone football supporter for years and years. Sometimes the planet Earth seems like a giant machine built to kick me in the face again and again. However tonight I'm wagging my tail and whooping at the moon because The Streets are over!

Happy ~Nirvana Day everyone! Hope you all get home.

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