Wednesday, July 06, 2011

You are like a Hurricane

It's that man again! Harry Pollit meets Mao there with 2 gents I am unable to identify. Stalinist shitbags I'd imagine. Pollit probably even met the great man himself I'd imagine. What must it be like being in the presence of such power? Would you be able to remain aware of what a ludicrous monstrosity it is that such a thing could happen? It even does the men themselves no good (it usually is men), they become hideous distortions of themselves, become paranoid, self-obsessed and grow old early. That's how it is with me anyway.
A real such example of a power accumulator in our current age is Rupert Murdoch. Now despite the fact he's nakedly evil, you've got to admire the fact he hasn't gone totally statues on everyone. Admittedly he wants to control the world's media but is it really so different from the Oak Tree dropping thousands of Acorns to fill the land with replicas of itself? Well it's a bit different, especially in that Murdoch's got a better chance of achieving his aims. Well actually he hasn't. He's only really got meaningful power in the English-speaking world as far as I can tell. Mao's successors certainly won't Kow-tow to him but I'm sure they respect him, as I do in my way, as one respects something impressively big and dangerous like shark or a hurricane. Still, you can't see Assad appearing in The Simpsons.
Despite his power even Rupert (we're on first-name terms) had to emerge today to make a statement in regard to the mess that's been stirred up now the public know about the hacking of phones belonging victims of terrorism, parents of murdered children and even one belonging to to a murdered (then-missing) teenage girl and even worse, the deleting of her messages (pleading family members) to make room for more messages in case some interesting tit-bit should emerge from it. Unaware of this, the family found hope in this, believing the missing girl herself was deleting these messages. Really sick stuff. There's the obvious buying of policeman (they're on their way, Hayman! Funny if your nemesis Ali Dezai is the arresting officer!) and this new allegation of News International operatives stalking a detective investigating the axe murder of a Private Investigator, possibly looking for dirt on him to inhibit the investigation.
How come Murdoch hasn't yet ditched Rebekah Brooks? She had got close to Cammers but he'll surely put a lid on that now. Perhaps Rupert really likes her, really really. Maybe she has some top dirt on one of his spawn. You can imagine a Murdoch son being in to some dodgy stuff. Rupert craved money and power but they were raised into it. What do they crave?

Yes, let's hope that we've turned a corner. Let the message go over to our friends in the US this is what's really behind the shrill barking of that annoying old Fox. Those cock-wad democrat scum should be on the offensive with this stuff instead of spending billions of tax dollars on photographing their cocks or whatever it is they do.
Okay that's the boring writing bit done. Link time! I finally worked up the courage to go sniffing around Deviant Art again for pictures of Koosie and Crackers. I wasn't to be let down! There's some great work out there and I can't possibly link to them all so I've picked 2 favourites:


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