Monday, April 29, 2013

Sitting in Limbo

If you write something, you’re allowed some cake. 

I was beaten up by a mouse, a gull, a tortoise and a scampi. But Yuffy didn’t lift a finger.
That’s not good enough. That’s just a weak gag that no-one’s going to get anyway except for an increasingly vanishing demographic. Good riddance! Actually the computer doesn’t like me using ‘a Scampi’ it wants just ‘Scampi’. I can’t explain to it that the mistake was Yuffy’s, the stupid bearded memory. Scampi is a foodstuff made from Langoustines which is like a tiny Lobster. See! This is an educational resource! Come back!  

It is the end of April here in northern Ukogbani in 2013AD and I’ve managed a post a month so far this year so I’m loathed to let that slide or the Revolutionary Army of Crackers will fade away altogether. It’s just kind of hard given that there’s nothing very nice to say and pretty much no-one reads this anyway. Those apparent spikes of interest were almost certainly the work of some algorithmic oddity rather than any conscious minds. I have to keep my own flagging morale up by reminding myself that this thing is for posterity not for the now. This is just the wrong time to be Sauropod deity but these things come round like the seasons. There will be dancing and festivities in my holy name again and also will there be mighty thunder and terrible wrath for my quisling enemies. These things are certain. 
The picture is Adolphe Valette’s view of Manchester rooftops from about a hundred years ago. It’s not all that different today especially on a damp wintery day. As a pleasant contrast, from the sunny island of Jamaica is this song by Jimmy Cliff from the soundtrack to the movie ‘The Harder They Come’. You might also try his original version of Many Rivers to Cross. Yeh it’s all pretty random. You’re lucky I’m interested enough to bother, you theoretical future nobodies! Actually I’m lucky nobody does read this thing right now given some of the controversial stuff about chemical weapons and suchlike. Really, humanity, it’s time to build a general settlement that ends these wars altogether. It’s closer now than ever but still hard to see through the fountains of blood. Start with small agreements and keep building on the back of them till you have an honest global dialogue between the many shifting and overlapping tribes of man. Nuclear stalemate has provided a window of opportunity that is starting to close. WMDs are back out of the box albeit in uncertain circumstances. Situations like state actors being pushed into corners and fatal misunderstanding of the positions of one’s opponents are scenarios that become much more dangerous when extraordinary military hardware is in town. Those who still can must ask those who have some leverage over belligerent parties what is it worth to gain a compromise that ends the fighting? Let them know that victory is unobtainable and that they must accept the best defeat possible that gives them a stake in the future and a guarantee of security. Despite all the violence left over from the grim struggle of a semi-carnivorous evolution, the active warriors are somehow a minority. Most human beings are now working and trading peacefully with other human beings and attempting by these means to improve their situation and by extension that of their communities and of humanity in general. Later on as interconnected beings in a pan-organic global identity but that’s quite a lot later. One thing at a time, eh? Can I have some cake now?

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