Monday, June 20, 2011

Sorry! Especially to Snowman (O Snowman!)

Hiya! No pic or link tonight. Soz! I'm slightly in a hurry as usual. Oh when will I stop? No time! It was going to be:
Berbers on C4 news
Gadaffi problem. All the reasons the war is wrong. Isn't it an insult to the people gadaffi killed before Feb 2011? Syria, Burma etc Mention of Tony Blair- Man of Destiny.
Comments on tonight's conservation expose prog - More Oryx & Crake related stuff
Apologies to Jimmy for calling him a douchbag. Felt sorry for him today...etc
Maybe link to the guy with the pix ee dun from it.
It was going to be called 'That's the way the money goes' with that as a thread running through it and mentioning the Euro crisis but ultimately I thought better of it. There's £13.48's worth of Wexford Cheese to anyone who can guess why.
So yeh why not just get on with the ironing, chill with some sounds and then settle down with Snowman O Snowman! a bit more instead of writing more of this shit, you pretty old Koosie. Yes! Of course its very rude to Ian Blogspot, future me and possible you to leave tonight's attempt in this state but

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